EP said:
I didn't know it at the time, but I knew there was a reason I started drinking early today. Oh well, time to go clean the guns....
Uh-oh: don't make us stage an on-line intervention, EP, LOL!
Finkelstein said:
Does anyone one else think this EOM member is playing as a pretentious apostate toward the JWS but in reality he's a bonfide JWS
Yeah, I've suspected at time if faithful JWs might act as "plants" here, trying to act like nutsos in order to discredit the JWN site by confirming the whole "apostates are mentally-diseased" claim.
On the other hand, we DO know that JWs tend to deal with mental illness in a callous, "Wow, it must suck to be you, but you're nevertheless DFed anyway, so good luck with THAT!" manner...
Also, the fact ex-JWs are prone to conspiracy hypotheses indicates that current JWs may not be exactly the most discerning people in the World (eg I finally got my JW relatives to stop sending me e-mails that contain the phrase, "forward this to everyone you know". After a decade, I think they finally get the idea of that chain e-mails exist, and you need to check such claims on snopes).
So if it IS a strategy of loyalist JWs, it seems foolish: we only need point out that JW eschatology demands fantasy thinking and breaking down the barriers between fantasy and reality in order to insert oneself into the story (they call it creating a personal relationship with God and Jesus). They believe in imaginary invisible beings, which when taken to the extreme, leads to imagining other invisible forces (UFOs, aliens, conspiracies, etc). So can "dabble" in it, but others get dragged into the deep end of the fantasy pool and end up as drowning victims.